Having grown up with my automotive obsessions bouncing back and forth between American muscle and Japanese imports (with the Countach and 911 thrown in on a bedroom poster or two for flavor), I'll admit that I never became very well versed in European classics. That being said, I figured the Arizona Concours lunch cruise in Scottsdale would be a helpful dip into the shallow end of the pool, allowing me to get my feet wet and camera warmed up before attending the full show next year.
What I wasn't expecting, while on my way to Scottsdale, was enjoying these small (Lincoln Capri and Cadillac Deville excluded) classics so much. The mix of curves, hard edges, ornaments, and histories were really something to take in as old men and women swarmed around listening to owners pass on entire histories of each vehicle.
Unfortunately Instagram's livestream doesn't post after you finish like Facebook's does, so the video walkthrough is lost to the technological sands of time, but here are some photos I grabbed that afternoon. Enjoy!